The Crew

The Old Man
His identity and qualifications must remain confidential as a matter of national security.

Old Brad – A.K.A. – “Fish”
“Old Brad” is our resident brush swinger from the old school. Posessing 30+ years of experience, he has also mastered the new age of the sign industry and can do anything you can throw at him. He doesn’t mind a beer either!

Brad (young) – A.K.A. – "Zeckowski"
“Young Brad” (not so young now) is a signwriter by trade, but has been trained more into the digital era of the industry. With 25 years experience under his belt, he can take you through every part of your project, from concept to final production.

Dan – A.K.A. – “Dan the Man”
Danielson is a genius of fabrication. He can and does build anything required regardless of complexity from intricate custom made aluminium and steel signs to massive LED pylon sign structures. He has been in the trade for decades and is the go to man for most of us if we have a technical fabrication or installation question. A mad fisherman, if hes not dropping a line on his time off, he’s modifying his boat for the next adventure!

Zachary – A.K.A. – “Zachary”
Zachary is the Barra whisperer of our crew. He loves camping, drinking beer and just being Australian.
He has great PR skills and a dry sense of humour and can make friends anywhere.

Haylen – A.K.A. – “Slippery”
Slippo is quite a strange boy. Our 2nd apprentice and just returned from QLD with some new skills, he is what you could call the class clown. Haylen has a unique ability to make everyone he meets smile through sheer bewilderment at what is coming from his mouth. About the only thing he takes seriously (APART FROM HIS JOB) is his dancing and he is still a better dancer than a wrapper at this point in time.

Patrick – A.K.A. – “Paddy”
Son of Fish. Paddy loves death metal, playing guitar and motorbikes. His enthusiasm to learn is great and Dan the Man taking him under his wing will see Paddy become a valued member of the team.

The Temp Crew – Barry – A.K.A. – “Bazza”
Bazza is an extremely disturbed man. His constant joke cracking and infectious laugh means he’s sort of like that annoying uncle that you love in a strange way but never tell him that. Bazza only appears unannounced in the dry season usually with a can in his hand and sweeps the floor and pays everyone out.